This guide is super useful for identifying player combinations that are likely to score big. Use the filters to identify the best player combinations according to specific match scenarios.
Both players generally perform similarly when picked together. They either score high together or score low together. Maximise FPts by picking players that correlate positively with top players.
Both players generally perform in an opposite manner. If one player scores high, the other usually scores low. Avoid picking players that correlate negatively with top player
Show Player Combinations on the basis of:
Pick Duelin Fransman and Shane Cornellissen together
Positive Correlation
Pick M Jefta and Cameron Van-Der Wygen together
Positive Correlation
Pick S Fata and Alexander Booysen together
Positive Correlation
Pick Marco Alberts and Jw Lazenby together
Positive Correlation
Pick Jw Lazenby and Geraldo Cremon together
Positive Correlation
Pick Akeem Minaar and Abrium Jacobs together
Positive Correlation
Pick Byron Davids and Zuan Floors together
Positive Correlation
Pick J Adams and Zuan Floors together
Negative Correlation
Pick R Louw and Byron Davids together
Negative Correlation
Pick Ryall Julies and Shane Cornellissen together
Negative Correlation
Pick Byron Davids and Noah Van-Niekerk together
Negative Correlation
Pick S Fata and Jw Lazenby together
Positive Correlation
Pick Marco Alberts and Brenwin Samuels together
Positive Correlation
Pick M Jefta and Jw Lazenby together
Negative Correlation
Pick M Jefta and Geraldo Cremon together
Negative Correlation
Pick C Fransman and Geraldo Cremon together
Strong Negative Correlation
Pick S Fata and Cameron Van-Der Wygen together
Negative Correlation
Pick Ussiel Langeveldt and Marco Alberts together
Negative Correlation
Pick Cameron Van-Der Wygen and Jw Lazenby together
Negative Correlation
Pick Cameron Van-Der Wygen and Geraldo Cremon together
Negative Correlation
Pick Marco Alberts and Alexander Booysen together
Negative Correlation
Pick Brenwin Samuels and Alexander Booysen together
Negative Correlation